Tiny - but highly efficient
One is a 2-row interlock die using NO10 material for high efficient home appliance motors.
Surahammars was involved in this project from the beginning. Since we as well as our customer were not familiar with extra thin materials, we had to make prototype samples with NO10, NO12, and NO15 materials. Surahammars shipped small amount of each material by air for us to make wire-cut prototype samples. Our customer pick NO10 which fits to high speed rotating machines because it satisfies high frequency losses during testing and prototyping, Surahammar quick turnaround and shipping of NO10 slit coils to so that we could deliver the 1st production order on time successfully after having trials. Since it was first time for us to stamp NO10 with a progressive die, we had to adjust the die as well as to feed the material during die tryout. Surprisingly, Surahammars supplied near 100 mm wide coils did not have thickness variation issue in not only width but also length, and then we could make taller than 18 mm stacks to meet our customer’s print specifications with a 2-row progressive conventional interlock die. Everyone can easily understand that coil thickness is extremely consistent if there is no stack height issue with more than 180 pieces of laminations. In productions, we are using inline systems to check stack heights automatically in multiple setups.
The other one is a progressive prototype interlock indexing die using NO20 backlack material for high efficient turbo motor stators.
Again, Surahammars shipped one slit coil by air to meet our customer’s tight timeline. We made two kinds of samples with a prototype progressive die. One group is indexed stack samples with interlocks and not cured after stamping. The other group is special pre-stacked indexed samples and cured for bonding after stamping. We could see the difference clearly between cured samples and non-cured ones. The first ones are rock solid because of no air gap between laminations. Upon our customer test completion, we will build a multi-row indexing die. It will make pre-stacks with newly developed special methods so that we can deliver the best quality products at competitive price.
Above two examples show Surahammars is not only a high quality thin gauge steel supplier but also flexible to meet customer requirements. We extremely happy and really appreciate their superior services being focused on our specific requirements, no matter how small order is.
As mentioned in the beginning, we have several projects in pipeline, which are not possible to be carried out without Surahammars’ full supports. One of them is using newly developed NO15-1100H Rapid Backlack. We like to share later more information once it is allowed to open.
In addition, We will continue to develop the most advanced stamping technology for the extra thin materials for NO10 with Self bonded coating or higher grade material to supply most efficient products at high speed with reduced weights. It is only possible with Surahammars full support to be able to win and develop such products.